Gots Certification-Global Organic Textile Standard



The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS Certification) is the overall driving material handling standard for natural strands, including environmental and social criteria, upheld up by autonomous confirmation of the whole material store network.

AIM Of GOTS Certification

The point of the standard is to characterize worldwide perceived prerequisites that guarantee the natural status of materials, from collecting of the crude materials, through the earth and socially capable assembling up to marking so as to give a sound affirmation to the end customer.

Material processors and producers are empowered to trade their natural textures and pieces of clothing with one affirmation acknowledged in every single significant market.


The agreement of the Founding Organizations was that an unmistakable and unambiguous comprehension of the substance necessitated that the GOTS Certification Global Standard itself centers around mandatory criteria as it were. The standard covers the preparing, producing, bundling, marking, exchanging, and appropriation of all materials produced using at any rate 70% confirmed natural common filaments. The last items may incorporate, yet are not constrained to fiber items, yarns, textures, garments, and home materials. The standard does not set criteria for cowhide items.

Do you require the GOTS certification but don’t how to initiate the process then contact Systems Concern now.