FSC forest responsibility system implementation with the consultants and experts of Systems Concern not only assures 100% successful FSC certification but also improves process performance and business operations. 

Consultants of our organization assist your company in your forest responsibility management context through FSC certification to get your company FSC certified quickly with ease of implementation and in the most cost effective manner. We make sure that FSC standard implementation does not just become a documentation activity but also a way of life for the organization that lays a foundation for Total forest responsibility Management and forest conscious organizational culture. 

Our services for FSC certificate consultation include awareness training, forest responsibility management policy – objectives workshop, gap analysis, documentation design including manuals, procedures, work instructions, formats etc., implementation assistance & training, internal auditor training, lead auditor training, assistance in conducting internal audit, pre-assessment audit and everything required to ensure a 100% successful FSC certification audit within scheduled project completion time period. 

Biggest benefit an organization gets out of FSC is improvement in business process control through process standardization. No matter what benefits you are looking for from FSC certification, we will make sure that your organization benefits from FSC implementation and certification.


What is FSC?

The forest stewardship council promotes responsible management of the world’s forests. The mission of this council is to “promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests”.


Who can apply for FSC?

The organization which manufactures wood products and paper products and products related to forest can apply for this standard to promote environment, social benefit, and economic management of world’s forests.


Principles of FSC:

  • Compliance with Laws
  • Workers’ Rights and Employment Conditions
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
  • Community Relations
  • Benefits from the Forest
  • Environmental Values and Impacts
  • Management Planning
  • Monitoring and Assessment
  • High Conservation Values
  • Implementation of Management Activities

Benefits of implementing FSC certification:

  • Protects forests and wildlife
  • Protects native rights of people
  • Protects community and worker rights
  • Transparency, accountability and independent verification
  • Worldwide creditability
  • Market acceptance

What do we offer for FSC Certification for your organization?

With a team of highly qualified consultants and trainers having vast industrial experience, Systems Concern. assists organizations across the world to implement and achieve FSC certification. Our consultation approach is highly professional, time bound and effective resulting in ease of implementation and adds value to the business processes of the client’s organization.

We offer FSC training, implementation, consultation, gap analysis, documentation, internal audits, pre-assessment audits, certification audit through best of the certification bodies and post certification enhancement / maintenance services to enable your organization to get the best out of FSC management system.

Contact Systems Concern Today!

Ready to take the first step towards FSMS certification? Contact Systems Concern today and let us guide you on the path to success. Visit our website at www.systemsconcern.com for more information about our services and expertise. You can also reach out to us via email at info@systemsconcern.com for any queries or further information. We look forward to helping you achieve food safety excellence and secure a competitive advantage in the market.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Systems Concern office or submit a business inquiry online.

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